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February 2025 Reflections & Ripples

  Welcome to the second DHM Reflections & Ripples 'blogpost'  We had such wonderful feedback from last month’s blog, so the pressure is on to keep the standard high. The first point of business has to be the birth of Peter & Sarah’s baby ….. …..drumroll please ….    ITS A GIRL !!     As you may or may not know our Peter and his wife Sarah had a beautiful baby girl mid-February and they have named her Rose. I have no doubt they will share more of their exciting news in their own time but for now let’s thank God for this precious gift. ‘For every good and perfect thing is from above’ James 1:17    February was exactly how God planned it. It has gone by in the blink of an eye and as always (I am discovering this more and more in DHM) the list keeps growing because the Kingdom of God has no end.     So now that February is done & we are about to ‘Spring’ into March, I for one am ready to see the back end of the cold weather. That...
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January 2025 Reflections & Ripples

  Welcome to the very first DHM Reflections & Ripples 'blogpost'  I will be your host, Sharon Jennings , and it is my absolute joy to serve our Lord alongside you. The thinking behind this blog came after a very fruitful, very fun and very blessed time with myself, Fergus and our treasurer George. I was asked to create something 'fun' to let our community know what happens 'behind the scenes' on a monthly basis (because there is ALOT and nobody wants to just read announcements!)  So here it is .. let me know if you love it or loathe it because it's my first blog and I'm still learning! January was BUSY, but fruitful .. below are some team highlights (the reflections) We shared a powerful video testimony of healing from Joe Donaldson which our very talented Peter Kirch put together on Cavehill.  If you haven't watched this yet you can catch up here. As a team we decided to freshen up our look, none of us are getting any younger,  jokes, jokes!...